Our Commitment
This Customer Service Charter marks an important milestone in Smartlife Sacco Society’s commitment to excellence in service delivery. It is a commitment by the Sacco to offer excellent service to all its customers and stakeholders.
To mobilize funds from members with a view to providing innovative and quality financial services to improve their standards of living.
To be the ultimate choice in offering first class financial services to our customers.
We shall endevour to provide you with highest level of customer service by:-
- Treating you with courtesy and consideration
- Resolving complaints fairly, consistently and promptly
- Providing accurate, complete and up to date information
- Serving you efficiently,deligently and with professionalisms
- Informing you in good time of any changes and interruptions in service delivery
- Actively seeking your thoughts and suggestions on how we can serve you better.
To enable us serve you better, we expect you to:
- Treat our staff with courtesy and respect
- Provide accurate and complete information
- Exercise honesty and integrity when transacting with us
- Share with us your feedback
- Answer your telephone calls within three(3) rings
- Attend to you within ten (10) minutes of your visit
- Respond to your correspondence within 48 hours
- Treat your concern/s with confidentiality and privacy
Below are the time frames within which you can expect us to deliver the respective services
1.0 Background Information
Marakwet Teachers SACCO Society Limited was incorporated and licensed in 1995 after a split of Keiyo /Marakwet Teachers SACCO Society with the main objective of mobilizing saving for onward lending to the Members. The SACCO Members are drawn from the employees of Teachers Service commission (TSC) and related institution such as ministry of education and Kenya Union of Teachers (KNUT) within the larger Marakwet District.
The SACCO started with 873 Members at the beginning and as grown to current Membership of 3,104 at the back office (BOSA). In the year 2004 the SACCO started FOSA business and was licensed by the commissioner of cooperatives in the year 2007.Fosa membership 4,951 and thus total membership stands at 8,055. The SACCO has since opened its common bond to incorporate all stakeholders.
2.0 Physical Location
Marakwet District is one of the districts forming rift valley province. It was curved out of Keiyo Marakwet district in 1994. It is bordered by West Pokot to the North, Trans-Nzoia to the west, Uasin Gishu to the Southwest, Keiyo to the South and Baringo to the East.
The SACCO’s registered office is in Kapsowar trading centre (Marakwet district head quarters) and its postal address P.O Box 118 -30705, KAPSOWAR. The office serves as the Head quarters of the SACCO. In addition, the SACCO has a FOSA outlet in Kapcherop Trading centre.